Dear Beds County Branch members
The GMB’s Central Executive Council elections are being held shortly. As this is the ruling body of GMB it is really important that you play your part in choosing the right people for this key role.
We are proud to advise that Cathrine Jones our Branch Equality Officer has already secured a place as the National Disabled seat member as she was elected unopposed.
Trudi Tew our branch president has also been nominated, details will be in the pack you receive with your ballot paper.
Any member who joined before 29/2/24, is eligible to vote.
Please do not waste your vote!
When you receive your pack which should arrive by post by April 24th, please read all the candidates statements, make your choices and cast your vote by returning the slip in the pre-paid envelope.
If by April 24 if you have not received a voting pack it may be that you have moved and not updated your address with GMB however you can still vote. Please request a voting pack from the London Region website or call our REGIONAL OFFICE on 020 8202 8272
Votes must reach Civica Election Services (who are running the Election) by 15/5/24.
Do contact us on 0300 300 8280 if we can be of any assistance to you, now or in the future or you would like us to visit your place of work.
Kind regards
Martin Foster
GMB Beds County Branch Secretary
Tel: CBC Office……….0300 300 8280
BBC Office……….01234-276311
Posted: 22nd April 2024